Tired of Fatigue – What You Can Do About It

Tired of Fatigue – What You Can Do About It

No matter whom you run into today’s they are tired out. How many people have you heard them say they are fatigued? Busy lifestyles are causing fatigue and anxiety. These problems can lead to chronic health problems and pain if not deal with. It will drain the body’s energy reserves. Jay A. Goldstein, M.D., director of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Institute in Anaheim Hills, CA says, “Sleeping disorders, depression and all sorts of physical ailments can cause weariness.”

What is fatigue? It is a feeling of tiredness, exhaustion, or lack of energy. Most fatigue can be handled by self-care. Simply making some changes to your lifestyle can help you whether you have temporary and chronic fatigue. Most fatigue is cause by lack of physical activity, stress or overwork, lack of sleep, depression, worry or boredom. Illnesses like colds or flu may sometimes cause fatigue and weakness. The symptoms disappear as the illness runs it course.

What can you do to boost your energy? Take a nap or take brisk walk even better get in the habit of regular exercise. Eat a well-balanced diet. Get plenty of fruits, grains and vegetables and protein. Cut out caffeine. Try this protein smoothie:

Blueberry – Banana Smoothie

1 cup of fat free milk

1 banana

1/2 cup blueberries (frozen or fresh)

1 teaspoon of almond butter (I use organic)

1/4 cup of Protein (I use Red Mills)

Put all ingredients into a blend and blend. I drink this twice a week.

Take time to relax. Enjoy a hot bath in jetted tub or hot tub. Get a massaging neck pillow to relieve any neck pain. Soak away tiredness. The hot water in the tub dilates or opens up your blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow to your muscles. When the water push out from the jetted nozzles it is just the right pressure of water and air kneading and relaxing your muscles.

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Try portable massagers for relaxing you. There are many on the market from working a certain area on your body to full body massage. The full body massage can be massage chair, massage mat or the belt massagers. There are many portable handheld massagers that can relieve a certain area like neck pain, lower back pain, or any pain that is causing you fatigue. Many are deep tissue massagers and infrared massagers that get down to pain. Helps in stress relieve and pain relief.

Keeping up a healthy of routine for each individual and finding your balance of rest, work, relaxation, exercise and healthy diet will help restore your physical energy. Take steps to be in charge of your life so you can enjoy it.