Is There a Treatment For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Is There a Treatment For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Sadly, there is no definite cure for this condition and the treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome can be very complex. Traditional and alternative methods alike are used to manage the symptoms promptly so that worse symptoms may be prevented. The only thing important for any CFS patient to know is that working with the doctor and health care professionals for their individual plan of care may help them live a more normal life amidst their condition.

Perhaps the first treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome is to identify if there are any negative beliefs and behaviors that has led to the development of the disorder. This is done through counseling and managed through cognitive behavioral therapy. This is important so that the patient will be able to manage stress and adapt well when other symptoms come about.

Since the symptoms of these patients are highly unpredictable, symptomatic management varies per individual. Primary symptoms may include muscle and joint pains, sleep problems, fatigue, headaches, sore throat, and decrease in mental capacity. Some patients also complain of gastrointestinal problems, depression and allergies.

To manage pain and stress, massage, touch therapy, deep breathing and yoga may be done. This may also help if they experience sleep problems. Sleeping pills, vassopressors and anti-inflammatory drugs may also be prescribed and taken by the patient when the need arises. Vitamins and mineral supplements are also given to boost the immune system.

Patients with CFS are also advised to have an exercise regimen. As treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome, they should engage themselves with daily exercise that is broken into 2-3 shorter sessions. They should begin exercises slowly and then gradually increase their pace as they are able to tolerate. Sometimes, merely letting a patient comb through his hair or feed himself can be a form of exercise already. Allow them to dress up on their own so that they initiate movement. You can also assist them in walking several times a say until they can do it on their own. Stretching and strengthening exercises are best for patients with chronic fatigue. To begin with, simple hand stretching, sitting and standing at very slow pace can already be their exercise also.

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If a patient is severely ill and cannot tolerate exercises, anything the patient can do in order to move may be his exercise. It does not matter whether he grasps a pen or picks up an object, as long as movement is done. More complex exercises may just follow after he is able to tolerate greater movements.

Patients are also referred to support groups so that their social needs will be met. This is important so that they meet other people with the same condition, and they can learn how to cope with chronic fatigue from each other’s experiences.

Research is still on-going to determine which drugs can truly help patients with chronic fatigue. Therefore treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome will be dynamic. It is always best to discuss with your doctor your plan of care so that you know which treatment options you will go for.