It’s a Fine Line

It’s a Fine Line

The endocrine system is a delicate arrangement of glands and endocrine related organs that happens to be one of the body’s primary systems for communicating, coordinating, and controlling its balance and function. It does this through the production of hormones which are chemical messengers released by cells and organs.

These chemicals interact with our body encouraging regulation, inhibition, induction, suppression, preparation, stimulation, and activation to various areas of the body. When we have healthy levels to work with, we naturally experience energy, clarity, an efficient metabolism, regular cycles, life transitions with ease, and good health. When things become impaired, we find ourselves facing lethargy, weight gain or loss, reproductive issues, mood swings, appetite issues, sickness and disease, growth disorders as well as thyroid and pituitary disorders. Unfortunately, nearly eight million people live with conditions that fall into one of these categories; yet are unaware they even have some type of hormonal imbalance. They simply dismiss it as ‘just stress.’ What’s worse is the reaction one gets when suggesting the possibility of imbalances; “how dare ‘you’……!!!!”

The endocrine system is a system of checks and balances. For each hormone, there is a counter chemical to keep the body regulated. When we have too much of one and not enough of the other to offset it, our system becomes over or underactive. A system that is operating efficiently does not go through such experiences.

All disorders and health concerns are multidimensional issues due to the fact we are multidimensional beings. In other words, there are many factors contributing to our imbalances giving rise to the need to treat them holistically. This takes complimenting good nutrition, exercise, and spiritual practice with other modalities that assist the body with resetting itself. Is there ever a need to take prescription hormones? In some instances, ‘yes,’ however, a vitally close relationship with the body that honors its needs is necessary in order to avoid overuse.

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Since most hormones initiate a cellular response by connecting with specific receptor cells, aromatherapy is also a wonderful adjunct to this natural balancing act. Phytohormones bind with our body’s intracellular receptors just like the ones produced in our body activating cell type specific responses. A list of suggested essential oils to use along with other practices includes: lavender, marjoram, cypress, chamomile, geranium, sandalwood and myrrh. These can be used individually or in a blend, using no more than 3 oils at a time. Two rules of thumb to keep in mind: choose oils that appeal to you AND less is more. Also, be sure to dilute your oil in a carrier and use only a couple drops twice a day. If desired results aren’t achieved within fourteen days, spend time discussing your symptoms with a professional.

All in all, feeling good is our given right; yet, it takes knowing what the body’s needs to assure quality health. The most effective way to walk this fine line is through mindfulness and poise. The more we allow life to ebb and flow without resistance, the better equipped we are to holistically strengthen our body and live a life of balance.