How Do You Measure Fatigue?

How Do You Measure Fatigue?

If you can measure fatigue you can manage fatigue.

Pupillometry is the measuring of pupil dynamics from light stimuli. Pupillary reaction of the human eye has been studied for more than 800 years. These reactions have been measured by medical professionals since the 18th century, to determine physiological and psychological conditions affecting the human body.

The reaction or reflex of the human pupil provides valuable information and insight to brain sensory and motor function.

Pupillometry is an objective and reliable means of detecting clinical fatigue, or other impairment in human beings as one of the major areas of the body that is sensitive to the effects of substance abuse, alcohol and human fatigue is the pupil.

No single organ is affected by lack of sleep more than the brain. In order to function, it must metabolise the glucose that it receives via the circulation of blood. Neither process is possible without sleep. Studies on changes in brain metabolism related to mental processing preformed on sleep-deprived subjects reveal that blood flow is reduced to the certain parts in the brain that play critical roles in decision making, attention span and the speed at which we adapt to new information.

Impairment is controlled by the cental nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system relaxes, slows down’, the electrical system of the body and the sympathetic nervous system ‘speeds up’ the electrical system of the body. The two systems working together keeps the body in balance. Research validates the idea that the parasympathetic nervous system controls pupil constriction and the sympathetic nervous system controls pupil dilation.

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When we can capture the speed at which this process occurs, then we can measure the impairment levels of the individual and the level of fatigue.