Red Eyes and Fatigue on Candida Sufferers

Red Eyes and Fatigue on Candida Sufferers

Fatigue is one of common problems faced by candidiasis sufferers. Perhaps not all of those who feel very tired all the time have red eyes, but this happens to some people, sometimes constantly for a long period of time. It looks like you have not slept for a week. Someone has been experiencing this for about a year and relates this to her body being in a state of tiredness all the time, even though she does not feel extremely tired until she has over exerted herself. For her, MSM eye drops help a lot. You can get it at GNC, or probably online. She buys two pounds of MSM for the whole family. The best thing is to buy your own “00” size veg capsules at bulk prices and fill the MSM in, and take it that way. Or, you can also mix MSM into your home-made juice.

One little secret for you, who are not aware yet: is that MSM is initially made for horses. She found an interesting thing about most animal medicines and supplements: most of them have better qualities than for human beings. A vet will also tell you the same thing.

Another recipe for irritated eyes is an eye rinse that is made out of boric acid powder. Take 1/8 teaspoon of the powder and one cup of warm distilled water. Mix them and apply to your eyes in the form of drops or with an eye cup. Boric acid powder is an antifungal and you can get it at your drug store. You can even use it to douche with or soak your feet in. Just remember that it is not edible.

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